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Upcoming Litters

Our spots fill up fast! Even though we try to keep this updated, we recommend calling or texting 801-717-0810 to confirm availability. 

If you have a specific color, sex, or trait in mind, please check with Cheyanne so she can recommend the mother most likely to give you kittens that match your preferences. 

For a good idea of what colors come from which mothers, visit our Instagram and click on a mother from our Highlights reel to see which kittens came from her!


Our insta is: @EmpireSiberians, or just click here.




Bea & Udon

Our queen Bea is expected to give birth mid-September and will have kittens ready to go home by Christmas. She bred with our newest stud, Udon. We don't yet have pictures of him yet, but he is a bimetallic/sunshine silver cat. Because this is Bea's first litter, we are not taking deposits until the kittens are born, but we do have a waitlist.

1. Breeder Choice

2. Filled

3. Filled

4. Open

5. Open


Penelope & Simba

We are hoping our queen Penelope is pregnant, but sometimes Penelope breeds on her own schedule. We will take deposits when we see signs of pregnancy, but we do have a waitlist started. We're hoping she will give birth in time for kittens to go home around Christmas.

1. Filled

2. Filled

3. Filled

4. Open

5. Open

6. Open

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